Getting to Know: Larry Green
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- Getting to Know: Larry Green
Happy Friday, OER and OpenEd advocates! Today's installment in the Getting to Know the LibreTexts team is brought to you by Larry Green, Statistics and Mathematics faculty at Lake Tahoe Community College. In his own words:
I began creating OER for mathematics in 1995, before the terms "OER" or even "Internet" were known to the world. I am the chair of the MERLOT Math editorial board and also have led a team of math faculty programmers to code complete sets of assignments for all math classes from beginning algebra through vector calculus. My internet based lecture notes were harvested by LibreText when they first started many years ago and my statistics MyOpenMath based assignments have been used by over 10,000 students. My heart has been in OER for decades.
Some fun facts: I walked from my home in Tahoe to Yosemite (150 miles) this summer, I was a politician for nine years winning my first election by just three votes, and I ski to work and back every day in the winter time.
Want to get in touch with Dr. Green? You can find him on the Lake Tahoe Community College website here.