Next LibreFest to be held over 3 days in July

21 Jun, 2021 Jennifer Rogers 0 Comment
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Please note registration is now closed. Recordings will be available on the LibreTexts YouTube channel shortly after the workshop has concluded.

LibreTexts will host the next LibreFest virtually from July 19-23, 2021.

This three-day workshop will give participants the opportunity to learn about LibreTexts in time to use it in one or more of their courses this fall. The goal of this workshop is to train people who want to use online textbooks in their own classes, and to also build a team of collaborative workshop trainers that can continue outreach efforts in the future.

July 19-23, 2021 LibreFest Schedule (all times ET):

July 19: Day 1 -- Intro & Remixing

12:00-12:10 pm-- Welcome to LibreFest (Dr. Brent Krueger) 

12:10-1:00 pm -- The Evolution of the Textbook (Dr. Justin Shorb)

1:00-2:00 pm -- LibreTexts 101 (Dr. Delmar Larsen)

2:00-2:30 pm -- Success Stories -- Arts & Social Sciences

Crystal Scheib (Anthropology/Archaeology)

Laura Williamson Ambrose (Literature)

2:30-3:00 pm -- Break

3:00-3:30 pm -- How to Make Remixing Maps (Dr. Josh Halpern)

3:30-4:15 pm-- Make Your Own Remixing Map (breakout rooms)

4:15-5:00 pm -- Success Stories

Stefanie Leacock (Biology)

Bob Belford (Chemistry)

Day 1 videos are now up on the LibreTexts YouTube channel.

July 20: Working day/office hours

12-2 pm -- Office hours: 

Homework: Work on your remix. Try to complete 5+ chapters.

Prepare a 2-3 min presentation on the project you are working on this week. You will present this to your peers in a breakout room at the beginning of the workshop on Weds.

July 21: Day 2 -- Editing & Advanced Editing

12:00-12:10 pm -- Welcome to Day 2/Recap Day 1 and Day 2 preview (Dr. Brent Krueger)

12:10-12:55 pm -- Discussion/Presentation - breakout rooms (6-8 per room)

1:00-1:45 pm - Introduction to Page Layouts, Structure, and Accessibility (Dr. Tom Neils)

1:45-2:30 pm -- Hands-on Page Layouts, Structure, and Accessibility (breakout rooms)

2:30 - 3:00 pm -- Break

3:00 - 3:45 pm -- Success Stories - Languages

Cristina Moon (Spanish)

Sandra Usuga (Spanish)

3:45-4:45 pm -- Advanced Editing Vignettes

Intro to Vignettes: Dr. Brent Krueger

Brian Lindshield (Nutrition)

Paul Seeburger (Math)

Bob Belford (Jupyter/Hypothesis)

Day 2 videos are now up on the LibreTexts YouTube channel.

July 22: Working day/office hours

12-2 pm -- Office hours:

Homework: work on editing your page

Prepare a 2-3 min presentation about your page. You will show this to your peers in a breakout room at the beginning of the workshop on Friday.

July 23: Day 3 -- ADAPT

12:00-12:05 pm  -- Welcome to Day 3/Day 2 Recap and Day 3 Preview (Dr. Amber Dood)

12:05-12:50 pm -- Discussion/Presentation of your progress on your project (breakout rooms)

12:50-1:40 pm -- Introduction to ADAPT (Dr. Delmar Larsen)

1:40-2:20 pm -- ADAPT breakout #1 

2:20-2:45 pm -- Break

2:45-3:45 pm -- Licensing (and small group exercise) (Dr. Delmar Larsen)

3:45-4:30 pm -- More Advanced ADAPT (Dr. Delmar Larsen)

4:30-5:00 pm -- ADAPT breakout -- Meeting closing thoughts, reminder of further resources for using LibreTexts

Please note this schedule is subject to change.

Past LibreFest videos can be viewed on our YouTube channel:

LibreFest2020@Autumn Videos

LibreFest2020@Summer Videos