Robust textbook publishing system
The LibreTexts Libraries are the central platforms within our ecosystem and consists of 18 topic-specific repositories that can host your OER textbooks.
The Libraries house our suite of custom authoring tools, enabling educators to quickly create and remix digital textbooks and eLearning modules.
Key Features
OER Remixer
Award winning Remixer lets you mix-and-match resources to generate textbooks with ease.
Print on Demand
Print physical copies of your book from our affordable printing partner.
Enhanced Multimedia
Create immersive learning experiences using the numerous multimedia tools made available to you.
Robust Accessibility
Our home-grown accessibility checker takes the guess-work out of creating equitable and accessible material.
Curated and searchable library
Our 16 domain-specific libraries help organize the collection of 4000+ OER textbooks authored or curated by the LibreTexts community.
Featured Textbooks
MTH 220 – Discrete Math
Judy DeanA World Perspective of Art Appreciation
Deborah Gustlin & Zoe GustlinNursing Fundamentals
Ernstmeyer & Christman (Eds.)Join a Global Community
You're in good company with over 400 schools and organizations across the World building their OER initiatives on LibreTexts
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