Our Values

The LibreTexts mission is to unite students, faculty and scholars in a cooperative effort to develop an easy-to-use online platform for the construction, customization, and dissemination of open educational resources (OER) to reduce the burdens of unreasonable textbook costs to our students and society.​

At its heart, the LibreTexts project is designed to serve as a community effort to lower the financial burden placed on students, while simultaneously encouraging educators to come together to create, and curate quality OER to help them succeed in their courses.

Our Impact

Schools using LibreTexts
0 +
Published OER Textbooks
0 +
Educators & Authors
0 +
Learner Savings
$ 0 M+

LibreNet Consortium

The LibreNet is a new consortium dedicated to ensuring the long term sustainability of the LibreTexts project. LibreNet membership provides enhanced access to even more great features on the LibreTexts platform, as well as giving open education advocates a voice in future enhancements and improvements.

Our History

Delmar Larsen, LibreTexts Founder and Executive Director, and Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Davis, began what we now call LibreTexts as the Chemwiki in 2008 because he was tired of asking his Chemistry students to pay hundreds of dollars for commercial learning resources. He also knew open educational resources (OER) could help his students save money and succeed in his course because he could adapt them directly to his students’ needs. Delmar understands firsthand the transformative power of education, crediting his own education for lifting him out of poverty while experiencing homelessness, living in his dad’s truck behind a Denny’s.

Our Team

Prof. Delmar Larsen

Executive Director, Founder

Josh Halpern

Director of Operations

Jennifer Rogers

Outreach Coordinator

Mai Blia Her

Project Coordinator

Justin Shorb

Director of Curriculum Innovation and Development

Ethan Turner

Chief Technology Officer

Eric Kean

Lead Adapt Developer

Jake Turner

Principal Developer

Nicolas Crisosto

Accessibility Specialist