Delmar Larsen, Ph.D.

headshot of delmar larsen in a red shirt in front of a chalkboard with chemistry structures

We’re in academia. [...] we need to go through curation efforts. We need to constantly update. We need to constantly curate because there everything needs to be updated and what one person thinks is the right level for the quality of a book, it could be very different from a different person who has the same book. It’s a constant active thing. And because we are subject matter experts, not in every subject matter of course, but we have lots of people on our team in order to do that, we’re constantly updating and curating our content.

And that right there distinguishes us from other platforms that essentially that’s not their game. Their game is, here it is, you use it, give us the money, and we’re done. And actually the hard part is the curation effort.

headshot of delmar larsen in a red shirt
Delmar Larsen


Delmar Larsen, Ph.D.

Chemistry Professor, Founder

Delmar Larsen is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry and the Biophysics Graduate Group in the University of California, Davis. Larsen is the Founder and Director of the LibreTexts project consisting of more than a dozen independently operating and interconnected libraries that focus on augmenting post-secondary education in STEM fields, social sciences, and humanities. LibreTexts is one of the world’s most visited online educational resources. (from: The Wheel )

Quote from an interview with OE Voices Podcast.