Joshua Halpern, Ph.D.

headshot of josh halpern in front of snowy mountain

Joshua Halpern, Ph.D.

Chemistry Professor Emeritus, CEO

Josh Halpern is Professor of Chemistry Emeritus at Howard University who continues to write LibreTexts and to advocate for the project. Halpern's scientific research was eclectic, including materials science, earth science, planetary science, chemistry and physics. He was the founding director of the DC Space Grant Consortium and administered the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Faculty Fellowship Program from 1995 to 2006. In 1996 Prof. Halpern created and was director of an NSF sponsored Partnership for Research and Education in Materials which brought Johns Hopkins, Howard, Prince George's Community College and Gallaudet University together. This has resulted in further collaborations of Howard, PGCC and Gallaudet with other research universities including Cornell, Harvard and MIT. He joined the LibreTexts project in 2013, when he put together an atoms first General Chemistry LibreTexts for his general chemistry class. As part of the LibreTexts project, Halpern talks at conferences and publishes on improving dissemination of on line educational materials as well as writing LibreTexts materials. He continues to work with PGCC on a new coordinated engineering curriculum that uses LibreTexts.