Justin M. Shorb, Ph.D.

Justin in blue shirt

I have worked with this team since publishing my first online textbook in 2011 as a graduate student. My background in multimedia in online textbook design followed by being the Product Manager for Chemistry at a for-profit educational technology company led me back to join the team focused on helping faculty to make the most of LibreTexts in their courses!

Shorb headshot
Justin M. Shorb, Ph.D.

Director of Curriculum Innovation and Development

Justin M. Shorb, Ph.D.

Director of Curriculum Development and Innovation

Justin is the Director of the LibreTexts Academy and if you attend any training webinars, workshops, or LibreFests, it is likely you will see him either presenting or behind the scenes!

Professional Experience

Justin has a decade of experience as a Chemistry Professor and Laboratory Coordinator, as well as 4 years in the Ed Tech Corporate world before joining the LibreTexts Team full time.