New Series of ADAPT Webinars Begins Next Week

06 Jun, 2024 Jennifer Rogers 0 Comment
LibreTexts ADAPT logo

ADAPT, the open homework system within LibreTexts, allows users to build formative and summative assessments using WebWork, H5P, or Native QTI. It is also possible to create accessible alternatives to questions and assessments. Faculty are continually developing and sharing new questions and activity types, so the way in which you can assess your students’ learning is endless.

In addition to providing a place to access and create assessments, ADAPT is also a tool for connecting open homework systems to the Canvas gradebook. This series of webinars is intended to introduce users to ADAPT. Each hands-on one-hour webinar is followed by 30 minutes for questions and answers.

All attendees will need to create a free ADAPT instructor account to fully participate in these webinars. You can request an account on the LibreTexts ADAPT website.

Friday, June 14, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

ADAPT Level 1 – Accessing ADAPT and Finding Existing Assessments

What is ADAPT and what resources currently exist for the courses you teach? In this webinar you will learn how to navigate ADAPT, search for existing resources, and modify resources created by others.

Register for ADAPT Level 1

Friday, June 21, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

ADAPT Level 2 – Creating in ADAPT

In this webinar you will learn how to create auto-graded activities in ADAPT, featuring various question types like fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, true or false, select choice, and matching that are accessible and adaptable.

Register for ADAPT Level 2

Monday, July 15, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

ADAPT Level 3 – Using ADAPT in Canvas

Having created assessments in ADAPT, how can you integrate them into Canvas? Explore ADAPT’s seamless integration with Canvas grades.

Register for ADAPT Level 3