Getting to Know: Kathryn Haas
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Happy Thursday, OER and OpenEd advocates! Today in our Getting to Know the LibreTexts team we'd like to introduce you to Dr. Kathryn Haas.
Kathryn Haas is Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Physics at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN. She earned a Ph.D. at Duke University and did postdoctoral research at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. She has also spent time as a visiting faculty or visiting scholar at Duke University, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Notre Dame, and Indiana University, South Bend. Her research interests are in the field of bio-inorganic chemistry, specifically on characterization of the structure and reactivity of metal ions bound to extracellular metal trafficking proteins. Dr. Haas earned a Cottrell Scholar Award for this research and for her work in teaching in 2016. With support from Research Corporation, she is collaborating with undergraduate students within courses to generate new content for LibreTexts and other open-access knowledge platforms.
Find out more about Dr. Haas' work here.