Adopted a LibreTexts for your course? We want to hear from you.

06 Jun, 2020 Jennifer Rogers 0 Comment
stack of notebooks on a table in a classroom

The LibreTexts team is proud of the progress our project has made since its inception 15 years ago. Since then, it has grown to become the most popular Open Education Resource (OER) textbook project on the net with over 500,000 pages of freely-accessible content, over 800 textbooks on our Bookshelves, and many more customized texts in our campus Course Shells. We regularly add new interactive features and are proud to provide increased accessibility of our resources to better support the academic community.

None of this would be possible without the support of faculty and students like you. Thank you!

Image removed.The LibreTexts project has distributed nearly 1 billion pageviews since 2007 with approximately 1.5 millennia of student reading.

As part of our continued effort to track LibreTexts impact, we are asking our users to share how they use LibreTexts and if you have adopted or used LibreTexts in your courses. This is a critical component needed to justify continued external support of our effort, as well as to ensure our platform and its content will be freely available to everyone for years to come. We have prepared a simple online form you can use to let us know which LibreTexts resources you have adopted or used for your course(s):

Please consider taking a moment to fill it out and let us know how you’re using LibreTexts to improve the quality and accessibility of affordable education. As a community-owned and community-driven not-for-profit OER platform, your feedback is greatly appreciated. We always welcome suggestions for improvement, as well as information regarding textbooks and other OER not yet integrated within our platform.