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Adopted a LibreTexts for your course? We want to hear from you.

The LibreTexts team is proud of the progress our project has made since its inception 15 years ago. Since then, it…

Jennifer Rogers

LibreTexts Announces Online Workshop for Future Instructors

Virtually hosted by Hope College July 16-17, 2020

Justin Shorb and Brent Krueger from Hope College in…

Jennifer Rogers

LibreTexts Announces Easier Account Creation

Due to the ongoing COVID19 emergency, LibreTexts usage has grown substantially. The LibreTexts team is instituting…

Jennifer Rogers

LibreText Project Announces $1 Million Innovation Grant

The LibreText Project is receiving a $1 million Innovation Grant from the California Learning Lab. This award aims…


LibreTexts is Here for You

Every member of the LibreTexts team is an academic - we are faculty, we are students, and we are librarians. As such…
